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Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger is a rosh yeshiva at the Yeshiva Program/Mazer School of Talmudic Studies of Yeshiva University. Rabbi Neuburger is also the spiritual leader of Congregation Beth Abraham in Bergenfield, N.J. Rabbi Neuburger is an authority on issues related to marital relationships and the purity of the Jewish home. He offers his services to help young men train for married life and prepare to build a proper Jewish home built on Jewish law and spirit.

From 1986 to 1990, Rabbi Neuburger was spiritual leader of the Jewish community at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the Jack D. Weiler Hospital.

Rabbi Neuburger received semikha from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University in 1979. He is a graduate of Yeshiva College, and earned an MA in psychology from Columbia University.


Rabbi Tanchum Cohen is a proud talmid of Yeshiva University. He came from Torah Vodaas to learn under Rav Hershel Schachter and concomitantly pursue his fascination with linguistics and mathematics. He graduated summa cum laude from Yeshiva College with a double concentration in Physics and Mathematics, and served as the Yeshiva Program valedictorian. Rabbi Cohen turned down offers from a prestigious doctoral program in mathematical physics to continue learning full-time at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS), where he received semicha and subsequently enjoyed a four-year fellowship in the Wexner Kollel Elyon.

He has co-edited three RIETS journals and contributed nine articles to those and other RIETS annuals. During his years at RIETS, Rabbi Cohen served as scholar-in-residence in communities across the country (including Boca Raton, Detroit, and Los Angeles) and pioneered numerous learning programs for both adults and teens.

More recently, he is the founding rebbi of the Beis Midrash Katan, which affords aspiring bnei torah at YUHSB the opportunity to learn intensely and extensively as members of the YU beis hamidrash. An avid guitarist, Rabbi Cohen and his wife greatly enjoy opening their home (and their cookie jar) to an array of teens. They live with their five feisty boys and two girls on the Bergenfield-Teaneck border, where Rabbi Cohen is privileged to assist Rav Yaakov Neuburger at Congregation Beth Abraham.

Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg currently serves as the Mashpia for Congregation Beth Abraham in Bergenfield. In this role, Rabbi Weinberg strives to inspire and encourage people to grow spiritually. Rabbi Weinberg teaches in Yeshiva University’s Irving I. Stone Beit Midrash Program (SBMP), where he also serves as Mashgiach Ruchani. Rabbi Weinberg also teaches in Stern College, Heichal HaTorah, MTA and Naaleh. 

A graduate of Yeshiva University, Rabbi Weinberg received his semicha from Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg of Jerusalem and has also been certified by the Center for Integrated Teacher Education. Rabbi Weinberg has worked as a Jewish educator for the past 15 years, and has previously taught at Torah Academy of Bergen County and the Moriah School of Englewood, before joining the Yeshiva University faculty six years ago. 

He has served as a guest speaker and scholar in residence in Jewish communities and college campuses across the country. He lives with his wife, Alisa and their 4 children, Gavriella, Zehava, Meira and Yaakov in Bergenfield.

Sat, January 18 2025 18 Teves 5785